Friday, April 3, 2015

Sit angeli tui invenietur me

Holy Saturday

May your angel find me by your tomb, O Lord.
I come here to mourn 
what my hands have done
to the one whose love 
I repaid with the scourge and the lance.
I come here to see
the magnitude of my sins
that tore your flesh
and pierced your heart.
I come here to weep;
for I have lost my Lord,
and among the crowds of the condemned
I fear you will no longer see me.
I come here to die
to my sins and to let
my soul descend among the dead;
for there you are, my Lord and my God.
And should you see my soul
next to my father Adam’s,
despise me not
for what I have done to you.
And as your light leaves Sheol
do not forever deprive me
of your presence, but
may your angel find me by your tomb, O Lord
when you rise,
and lift my broken body
to your light.